понеділок, 8 вересня 2014 р.

My first vocabulary class

   Hi! It`s my first massage in my first blog about the first vocabulary class. My first vocabulary class was like a torrential rain during hot und boiling summer. It means that it was absolutely relaxing because I saw a lot of familiar faces, we were talking about our summer and had pleasurable 80 minutes. From the one side, it`s a classic example of a first class. But to make it clear this class was rather interesting. My classmates and I faced the prospect that we`re going to have an utter chaos. But what is the narrow escape in this situation? Have an 8-hour sleep or learn everythung overnight? Now it`s the main concern. We understood that life is going to connect with a considerable difficulty in the following three months. Really ... you can`t set fire to the rain but you can overcome yourself. We reached an agreement with our teacher that this year would be dynamic and our course will be a real effort. Morover, it is said that scholarship wil be paid according to the rating, so I`m sure that a fight for the points will break out. But the main thing is to lit a fire inside of our soul, motivate ourselves and small spark will burst into flames. Sometimes fierce critisism can generate unreal reality, that`s why after my first vocabulary class I understood that studying must be rulled with a strong accent. So do not burst into tears and don`t have your thoughts on fire. We hold ourselves responsible for the future, because it`s in our hands.

2 коментарі:

  1. I bear in mind that I had considerable difficulty not to have head in the clouds after our long summer holidays. It was a real effort to come back from the “virtual reality” to the real world and not to lose your temper :). By and large, your post is really motivational. I wish you to maintain a balance between study and rest, and to have active interaction during our vocabulary classes!

  2. Your blog reminded me about our first month of studying. When we didn't have any deadlocks and every day was fulfilling for us. There was only one minus. The weather didn't foster sitting at home and studying, but we were stubborn and tried to overcome our laziness.
